
Labour Law

Odaman & Koyuncu, provides consultancy services on many issues related to labour law, such as the regulation of relations between employees and employers, preparation of employment contracts, termination of employment relations by working in cooperation with the Human Resources Departments of its clients.

Industrial Relations and Syndicate Process Management

The determination, regulation and improvement of employee-employer relations and general working conditions are possible through the establishment of qualified institutional relations and constructive social dialogue. In this respect, it is of importance to regulate and manage industrial relations, which are constantly changing under the influence of technological and economic developments.

Occupational Health and Safety Law

Occupational health and safety is considered as one of the most important aspect of labour law. Eliminating the dangers and risks that may occur in the workplace, providing a healthy and safe working environment, protecting the life and health of employees is possible through the effective implementation of occupational health and safety rules.

Social Security Law

There is a close connection between social security law and labour law, which regulates the relations and transactions between the employer-employee and the social security institution.

Corporate Law

Odaman & Koyuncu provides legal services on corporate law to national and multinational clients operating in different sectors. The advisory services provided cover all phases starting from the establishment of companies.

Contract Law

In the business world, companies need to create a legal framework and secure themselves with the contracts they will sign for the business and transactions they will carry out according to their fields of activity.

Competition Law

Odaman & Koyuncu provides legal counselling to its clients in all aspects of competition law.

Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law

Odaman & Koyuncu provides support to protect the rights of its clients who are on the creditor and/or debtorside in all areas of Debt Enforcement and bankruptcy law. In this context, our lawyer carries out all kinds of procedures before the enforcement directorates and courts in order for the clients to collect their receivables, provides the necessary legal services to pursuit the receivable, initiate enforcement proceedings and ensure the collection of the receivable by applying seizure on the assets of the debtor in case of non-payment of the debt.

Administrative and Tax Law

Odaman & Koyuncu provides legal support in the field of administrative law, which has a wide range of content, in line with the needs of its clients and provides services to its clients in resolving all kinds of disputes arising between them and the administration.

Representation in Cases

Odaman & Koyuncu provides support for the protection of its clients' rights by on the counsel for the prosecution or counsel for the defenseside in cases in all areas of law.


Mediation is an "alternative dispute resolution" method, which is widely used in developed countries, where the parties can resolve their dispute with the help of an impartial third party without bringing the dispute to the judicial authority.


Odaman & Koyuncu, also represents its clients in disputes where arbitration is available.

Compliance with Personal Data Protection Legislation

Nowadays, public institutions and private organisations can Access various information on thousands of individuals everyday, and the information obtained can be easily processed and transferred with the effect of the developments in information technologies.

Legal Risk Analysis

Odaman & Koyuncu, provides legal services in identifying the existing or potential risks that its clients face in legal terms, analysing and evaluating these risks and preparing reports. Subsequently, with in-company trainings, it is aimed to eliminate the risks by bringing all documents in to compliance with the law.

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