
Corporate Law

Odaman & Koyuncu provides legal services on corporate law to national and multinational clients operating in different sectors. The advisory services provided cover all phases starting from the establishment of companies.

Odaman & Koyuncu provides legal consultancy services to its clients regarding the establishment of their corporate entities in Turkey or abroad. We work in cooperation with clients at every stage of the incorporation process, such as checking the necessary documents, preparation of the company contract, making applications to the relevant authorities. In addition, Odaman & Koyuncu carries out many transactions such as ordinary and extraordinary general assemblies of companies, capital increases, share transfers, execution of trade registry procedures, type changes.

Analysing, preparing and evaluating different contracts that our clients need in their daily activities are also among the main activities of our office.

Odaman & Koyuncu follows all stages of commercial litigation to which its clients are parties.

Odaman & Koyuncu provides legal consultancy services in merger and transfer of the company transactions of its clients in Turkey or abroad.

The legal services provided by Odaman & Koyuncu include the preparation and submission of the letter of intent, legal due diligence, preparation of the share purchase and sale agreement, preparation of the shareholders' agreement if necessary, making applications to the Competition Board and other institutions if necessary and obtaining the necessary permissions, closing the transaction and post-closing procedures.

In the event that the merger and transfer of the company transaction is carried out abroad, we work in fullco-operation with foreign law offices.

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